Greeting People
Let's see how our cute robot can greet people
To greet the user when that user send ?hi
Our bot should reply with
Last updated
Let's see how our cute robot can greet people
To greet the user when that user send ?hi
Our bot should reply with
Last updated
1- Send -create
in the server, and name the sketch Greeter
(it can be anything)
2- Which Starter will we use?
It will be User Say Something
3- It will ask us to start when user send what text? Let's send ?hi
4- Now, what will be our first step? Let's send the message by choosing: Message
then Reply
5- It will ask, which message to reply to. Select User Message
. Then let's tell the bot what is the message
Note: we used a placeholder of member provided by the starter
6- Save, and that looks neat
Send ?hi